


  • 1er Février 2016. Réunion du premier comité de pilotage du projet COV3ER à Paris
  • 1er Juin - 17 Juillet 2016. First joint field campaign at the FR-GRI ICOS site in the fields of the AgroParisTech Farm in Grignon
  • 30 septembre 2016. Seconde réunion du comité de pilotage du projet COV3ER à paris. Invité: Ben Langford (CEH, Edinburgh, UK)
  • 8 novembre 2016. Présentation orale des résultats préliminaires de l'expérimentation au champ lors des "Journées ICOS France 08-9 Novembre 2016, CNRS, Montpellier". Loubet et al. 2016.
  • 12-16 décembre 2016. Présentation de deux posters à American Geophysical Union Fall meeting. Zannoni et al. 2016; Assan et al. 2016


  • 27 march 2017. start of second joint COV3ER field campaign on Oilseed Rape. Installation of 5 new Teflonised auto-chambers.
  • 24-28 April 2017. EGU presentations of Pauline Buysse and Benjamin Loubet. Poster presentation of Lais Gonzaga and Benjamin Loubet.
  • June 2017. presentation of the campaign to the ECOSYS team (video focussig on the chambers)
  • 11 July 2017. harvest of the oilseed-rape. Campaign still carrying on
  • August 2017. end of second campaign on oilseed-rape
  • November 2017. Joint COV3ER-AgriMulTiPol Campaign on VOC and particle emissions from stables and barns in the AgroParisTech Farm


  • January 2018. Julien Kammer joins the INRA team as a post-doctorate fellow working on particle formation and VOC fluxes
  • March 2018. start of the joint COV3ER-AgriMulTiPol Campaign on VOC and particle concentrations in a farm system at the FR-GRI ICOS site
  • April 2018: measurements of gaseous Chlorotalonil emissions during 21 days following its application with the FIDES inverse dispersion method 
  • June 2018: presentations from Julien Kammer, Raluca Ciuraru, Sandy Bsaibes at the Gordon conference on Biogenic Hydrocarbons and the Atmosphere
  • June-July 2018. Third joint COV3ER field campaign above a greeen-oak forest at the Puechabon FR-PUE ICOS site.

Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 16 August 2016 | By: Benjamin LOUBET